Welcome to Lumari’s Cosmic Coffee Break: Your Destination for Uplifting Podcasts and Inspirational Insights”
Magic Ta Da List Enjoy Change
Get ready for part SEVEN of your TA-DA! List. Enjoy ChangeAs you go even deeper into your TA-DA! List powerful things start happening. You are shifting, growing and opening to more brilliance. It is all about change. You know everything keeps on changing and being open to change is sometimes challenging. With your TA-DA! List…
Magic TA-DA List 5 Smile More
Get ready for part FIVE of your TA-DA! List. Smile MoreHow are you doing with your TA-DA! List? Are you seeing and feeling the shifts and transformations? Definitely be attentive to the changes, openings and positivity expanding in your life. In this Cosmic Coffee Break podcast mini-series, the Magical TA-DA List focuses on what you want to…
Magic Ta Da List 4 Have Even More Fun
Get ready for part FOUR of your TA-DA! List. Have Even More FunWe’re talking about fulfilling and engaging with your TA-DA! List. In this Cosmic Coffee Break podcast mini-series, The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration of fulfillment and success. …
Magic Ta Da List 3 Wellness
It’s time for more fun when we create, move in new directions and live inspired! We’re talking about fulfilling and engaging with your TA-DA! List. In this Cosmic Coffee Break podcast mini-series, The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration…
Magic Ta Da List 2 Increase Wealth
It’s time for more fun when we create, move in new directions and live inspired! We’re talking about fulfilling and engaging with your TA-DA! List. The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create with your highest vibrations and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s a celebration of fulfillment…
Magic Ta Da List 6 Live Inspired
Get ready for part SIX of your TA-DA! List. Live InspiredTake a moment right now, and be grateful for your TA-DA! List. This is a very powerful way to shift your energy and move into Soul Synchronicity. Now you expand even more! Number 6 on your TADA! List is your call to Live Inspired! I have a huge…
Magic Ta Da List 1 Play Bigger
It’s time for more fun when we create, move in new directions and live inspired!Here’s my totally fun and evolutionary way of creating. I call it, the TA-DA! List. The TA-DA List focuses on what you want to create with your highest vibrations and how you want to live, and it boosts the energies. It’s…
We want to stand together! You are here on our world to live your calling and shine. You are here to be “The More Of YOU!” We want to stand together! Now is the time when many voices together change the world. Today in our 3-part anthem series, we have a collective anthem to bring…
I am the Fire
Are you standing for yourself? You are here on our world to live your calling and shine that light of you. You are here to be “The More Of YOU!” This is the second in our series of 3 Cosmic Coffee Break podcasts about anthems. Your anthem is a song that calls you forward, gathers…
Who Are You
I love great questions. Give me a great question and I’m already in joy and expansion. A great question leads you to discovery, wisdom, illumination and inspiration. My question for you is “Who Are You?” Who Are You?” What turns you on? What inspires you? What leads you forward in your life? In the next few…
Experience profound spiritual transformation with Lumari, your trusted spiritual coach. Visit Lumari.com today and start your journey towards inner peace, clarity, and fulfillment.